By: Professor Li Deyin and Fang Mishou
Taijiquan and Taiji fan use gentle and natural body movements, which have beneficial effects in promoting health and curing chronic diseases.
The long-term practice of Taiji can improve health, energy, and mental wellbeing.
Taiji Kungfu Fan form (the 1st routine) is a dynamic and enjoyable fan form that incorporates a wide range of movements from traditional Chinese Kungfu, Taiji and various weapons, as well as movements from non-martial sources.
The 1st routine was created in the year 2001 by Master Faye Yip’s father Professor Li Deyin as a support to the bid for Beijing Olympics in 2008 and was first publicly demonstrated in February 2001 in Beijing by a group of 2008 enthusiasts. Since then the popularity of the routine has grown immensely and is practised by millions of people all around the world. Masters Faye & Tary Yip worked closely with Professor Li during the making and promoting of the Fan Form, and they were the first people who promoted the Form in Europe. The health benefits of this form is evident in its popularity.
This book is a fantastic learning guide for all keen Tai Chi Fan enthusiasts.
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